5 Ways to Help Readers Find Your Books - Author Website Design

Your author website should be designed to showcase your writing, promote your work, and provide a platform to engage with readers. Okay, so what if you already have a great website? What can you do to reach a wider audience for your books?

5 Ways to Help Readers Find Your Books

1. Utilize social media to promote your books: Post about your books regularly on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Include images, quotes, and snippets from your books to help readers get a feel for what your work is like. For authors who don't like social media (you're not alone), try one platform and make it shine.

2. Reach out to bloggers and influencers: Reach out to bloggers and influencers in your genre or niche and ask them to review your books. This can be a great way to get your books in front of potential readers.

3. Use Google and/or Amazon Ads: Create a Google or Amazon Ads campaign to direct readers to your book’s page to your website or retailers. You can also target specific keywords to ensure your ads show up when relevant searches are made.

4. Host giveaways: Host giveaways on your website or on social media to attract new readers. Giveaways can also help to spread the word about your books and get people talking.

5. Connect with readers: Join book clubs and online communities to connect with potential readers. Also, consider offering discounts and promotions to readers who sign up for your mailing list.

Bonus. Include your website wherever you can: Add it to your email signature, social media pages, media kit and marketing material, on blog tours, and more. Always give your readers a one-stop place online to find your books.

Never forget that an author's best form of marketing is their writing. Write great books and keep writing.

Do you need an author website? Contact us today about affordable pre-designed templates for Wix, advanced custom websites, or quick-to-launch Wix and Squarespace options.